I love that every day we get to express ourselves through what we wear. There are so many ways to make a statement with our clothes, for example, I like to wear my "Body by Pizza" shirt so that everyone knows my love for pizza is real and is a great excuse for not being fitter (kind of joking...). But I want to introduce you to a brand new clothing company that makes statements you can be more proud of and that can actually make a difference.
Talk Vegan to Me Clothing is the first vegan-branded clothing company in Canada and was created by three amazing boss babes; Andrea, Janel, and Laine. These girls are on a mission to spread the vegan message and encourage the vegan lifestyle, all while looking amazing.
Not vegan? That's okay. Buy one for your vegan/vegetarian friend (I know you have one). Or wear it as ironic statement and to get a little shock out of people!
Based in a city dubbed "Cowtown" Talk Vegan to Me Clothing recognizes the vegan movement and shift that has been happening. There's a Facebook group for Calgary Vegans/Vegetarians which has 6879 members and counting! And there are more restaurants opening all the time that recognize the need and demand for more vegan options! (See Healthiest Places to Eat in Calgary post)
Talk Vegan to Me Clothing draws people to the vegan lifestyle and creates conversation with the goal to normalize veganism. Essentially, they want to change the world one conversation at a time.
I love the approach, style, and energy that they are using to get their message out there, it attracts people. And if they weren't amazing enough, 10% of their proceeds goes to two local animal sanctuaries near Calgary.

Veganism is their way of leaving a positive mark on the world. When I am around these girls they remind me why I went vegan in the first place and they make me feel proud to be part such an amazing community. Not only have these ladies started this amazing company but they are part of the team that is organizing the first ever VegFest in Calgary.
"We want to foster the mentality that it is cool to care about what happens in our world and the belief that one person can truly make a difference."

You can find these ladies touring across Canada and selling their apparel at various Veg fests and events.
- The first event will be on February 26 in Calgary, Alberta (RSVP here)
- Next they will be at Vancouvers Veg Expo on May 28 (more info here)
Or find them online at, Facebook, and Instagram: @talkvegantomeofficial.
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