Being vegan means that I don't get to splurge on most designer bags (which is probably a good thing) because they are usually made with leather. Some designers are starting to realize there is a demand for faux-leather and we are slowly starting to see more vegan-friendly designer bags come on the market.
While I'm waiting for everyone to create beautiful, high-end and leather-free bags I'm on the hunt for something similar. So you can imagine how excited I was when I found THE PERFECT DUPE of the Chloe Faye bag; my current bag obsession!

How similar do these bags look?! The colours are a little different but I honestly like the colour of the dupe better. It's also nice that it's 40 times cheaper! ($2000 vs. $50). And the best part is no animals were harmed to make this bag, it's 100% vegan.
It's a great bag to bring to summer festivals, concerts, or for every day use. It has card slots in the middle pocket so you don't need to bring your wallet and it has two more pockets which are the perfect size for your phone and other essentials!
I've been trying to add more colour to my Spring wardrobe and this bag is perfect to add a subtle pop of colour. Soft pinks are trending this Spring season but if you want to keep it neutral, it also comes in grey and black.
Shop the perfect Chloe Faye dupe at Le Chateau.